302424 (v.2) Molecular Biology Applications 303


School of Biomedical Sciences



Contact Hours:

** The tuition pattern below provides details of the types of classes and their duration. This is to be used as a guide only. For more precise information please check your unit outline. **

Individual Study:

1 x 12 Hours Weekly

Anti Requisite(s):

301420 (v.1) BIO34 Molecular Biology Applications
4713 (v.3) Medical Biotechnology 331
4713 (v.4) Medical Biotechnology 331


Basis of genetic engineering and recombination of DNA technology, gene cloning and expression techniques - DNA blotting and hybidisation, DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Application of molecular biology techniques in biomedicine and agriculture. DNA profiling, transgenics, gene therapy, genetic disease diagnosis and cancer.
** To ensure that the most up-to-date information about unit references, texts and outcomes appears, they will be provided in your unit outline prior to commencement. **

Field of Education:

60100 Medical Studies (Narrow Grouping)

HECS Band (if applicable):


Extent to which this unit or thesis
utilises online information:


Result Type:



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