302125 v.2 Graduate Certificate in Small Business Growth Management



This course is designed for owner-managers of high performance small to medium enterprises seeking to embrace growth or who are experiencing growth. It offers owner-managers new ideas and skills to prepare both themselves and their business for long-term sustained growth.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

Owner-managers of small to medium sized firms for example, those employing between five and fifty staff who have been in business for at least five years. Ideally, they should hold a degree from a recognised institution but other applicants with technical qualifications and relevant business experience may also apply and be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Duration and Availability

This fee-paying course is one semester full-time or equivalent part-time study. It is expected that most students would complete over one year on a part-time basis.

Course Organisation

Requirement to attend an initial residential weekend followed by approximately one day each month for a period of 12-14 months. In addition to attending 16 full days of workshops a further 40 hours of individual counselling by a business mentor is required. Mentor meetings must be arranged individually.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure



Year 1 Semester 1

302126 v.2   Small Business Growth 501 64.0 50.0

Year 1 Semester 2

302127 v.2   Small Business Growth 502 64.0 50.0


Year Location All* Internal External
2004 Bentley Campus Semester 1   Y  
2004 Bentley Campus Semester 2   Y  

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

*The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.