306125 (v.1) SW 126 - Introduction to Social Work Context and Practice


Area:Department of Social Work and Social Policy
Contact Hours:5.0
Lecture:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Workshop:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Co Requisite(s):306126 (v.1) Social Policy and Welfare 101
Syllabus:Introduction to social work knowledge, skills and values. An overview of influences shaping contemporary social work, globally and locally. Exploration of social constructions of client, profession and practice. Examination of communication theories, anddevelopment of communication skills in the context of power, gender, culture and identity. Facilitates student conceptualisation of a beginning framework for practice.
Unit Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit, students will have- Identified historical and contemporary themes shaping social work values, knowledge and practices. Examined constructions of client, profession and practice and their inter-connectedness. Articulated an understanding of communication theories and processes. Identified the interaction of power, culture and gender in communication processes. Demonstrated skills in active listening, and assertive communication. Demonstrated an awareness of the reflective use of self within social work.
Text and references listed above are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information.
Unit References: Bolton, R. (1987), People skills, How to Assert Yourself and Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts. Sydney, Simon and Schuster. Downing, J. (1995), Finding Your Voice Reclaiming Personal Power Through Communication. Sydney, Allen and Unwin. Farman-Farmaian, S. Munker, D. (1992), Daughter of Persia: A Woman's Journey from her Fathers Harem Through the Islamic Revolution, New York, Crown. Humphreys, M. (1995), Empty Cradles. London, Corgi. Lewis, G. and Slade, C. (2000), Critical Communication. Sydney, Prentice Hall. Pease, B. and Fook, J. (eds.) (1999), Transforming Social Work Practice. St Leonards, Allen and Unwin. School of Social Work and Social Policy. (2001), Social Work III Reader. Perth, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Curtin University of Technology.
Unit Texts: Ife, J. (1997), Rethinking Social Work, Towards Critical Practice. London, South Melbourne. O'Connor, I., Wilson, J., Setterlund, D. (2003), Social Work and Welfare Practice. Melbourne, Longman. Putnis, P. and Petelin, R. (2000), Professional Communication Principles and Applications. Sydney, Prentice Hall.
Unit Assessment Breakdown: Major Assignment 40%, Reflection Paper 20%. Taped Interview 40%. This is by grade/mark assessment.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  


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