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Curtin University
Courses Handbook 2015

This handbook contains information on courses and components (majors, minors, streams and units) at Curtin in 2015.
Information for the previous year's courses and units is available at Courses Handbook 2014.

MC-FINCE v.1 Master of Finance


Course CRICOS Code: 051627J
Registered full-time Duration: 1.5 Years

Course Overview

Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications.

This course is a challenging and flexible program that develops global managerial competencies for professionals with a financial responsibility. The program features guided independent research, team projects, and maximum use of information and communication technology as the course has diverse coverage with specific focus on: corporate finance, investments, international business, banking and financial modelling.

Professional Recognition

Graduates are eligible to apply as an Affiliate Member of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA).

Career Opportunities

Former graduates have been known to find employment in various commercial industries.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks and other essential study materials.

Course Entry and Completion Details

Applicants for a Master Degree (Coursework) are required to meet University academic and English language entry standards; details are provided at Subject to the duration of the course applicants usually require a Bachelor Degree or equivalent (and may require relevant work experience), Bachelor Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma. Any specific course entry and completion requirements must also be met.

Specifically, a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent in the field of finance or a recognised bachelor degree with relevant work experience in the finance industry.

Credit for Recognised Learning

Applications for credit towards a course are assessed on an individual basis. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to complete the course and may be granted for formal education qualifications, non-formal learning from non-award programs of study and informal learning through work experiences. Further information can be found at

Pathway to Further Study

Graduates may qualify for entry to Doctoral degrees. For further details, see the University website

Course Organisation

Master Degrees (Coursework) contain a series of units in a specialised area of study which may include compulsory (core), optional or elective units to cater for student preferences. They may also contain a range of majors/streams for students to choose from.

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the principles of finance with an overview of the operations of the financial markets and the financial instruments that are traded within these markets. It introduces students to the concepts of equity, corporate debt, foreign exchange markets, derivatives and interest rate determinants. The knowledge acquired will create an understanding of topical events, underlying economic trends and the interpretation of financial statements.

Course Learning Outcomes

A graduate of this course can:

1. apply finance principles, theory and practice to current issues and trends in relation to financial markets; and extend a knowledge base of finance principles through original research.

2. think creatively,critically and reflectively to generate innovative solutions to complex financial scenarios

3. access, evaluate and synthesise relevant information from a range of sources appropriate in financial scenarios; make valid judgements based on sound evidence; analyse case study material and journal articles

4. communicate effectively to clients, staff, professionals, management and industry within the ethical and professional framework of financial institutions; prepare written academic reports and prepare and deliver oral presentations to a professional standard

5. expertly use and evaluate appropriate new and established technologies as they apply in financial markets

6. continue to acquire new knowledge and expertise in the field of finance using a range of learning strategies; be able to evaluate one's own learning and development needs and maintain currency within the discipline

7. describe and evaluate the impacts of financial markets and instruments in a global system with an understanding of multiple perspectives; apply international standards and practices within a global context.

8. show broad understanding of relevant professional and cross cultural communication theoretical concepts; work effectively in multicultural team environments and make positive contributions to class discussions

9. work professionally and ethically both independently and collaboratively, complying with appropriate legislation and protocols

Duration and Availability

This fee-paying course is one-and-a-half years' (three semesters) full-time or equivalent part-time study. Where possible, units are offered on an external basis and classes are commonly conducted in the evening. International onshore students on student visas are not permitted to study externally or in a part-time mode. These students must study internally with a full-time load.

Location and delivery Mode

Year Location Period All* Internal Partially Online Internal^ External Fully Online#
2015 Bentley Campus Semester 1   Y      
2015 Bentley Campus Semester 2   Y      
2015 UHK SPACE Main Campus Trimester 1A   Y      
2015 UHK SPACE Main Campus Trimester 2A   Y      
2015 UHK SPACE Main Campus Trimester 3A   Y      

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

* The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.

^ Course and associated units are offered in this mode permitting International Onshore student enrolment.

# Course and associated units are offered in this online only mode and DO NOT permit International Onshore student enrolment.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1
FNCE5001 v.1   Integrated Financial Instruments and Markets 3.0 25.0
FNCE5006 v.1   Financial Statement Analysis 3.0 25.0
MKTG5004 v.1   Business Research Methods 3.0 25.0
FNCE5003 v.1   Advanced Business Financial Modelling 3.0 25.0
Year 1 Semester 2
INVE5000 v.1   Portfolio Management Theory and Applications 3.0 25.0
MGMT5003 v.1   Culture and Ethics in Business 3.0 25.0
FNCE5011 v.1   Contemporary Issues in International Finance 3.0 25.0
FNCE5000 v.1   Advanced Corporate Finance and Theory 3.0 25.0
Year 2 Semester 1
INVE5001 v.1   Advanced Derivative Securities 3.0 25.0
FNCE5007 v.1   Finance Trading Strategies 3.0 25.0
BANK5003 v.1   Mergers and Acquisitions 3.0 25.0
FNCE5005 v.1   Advanced Personal Finance 3.0 25.0

Further Information

If you need more course information, you may contact the relevant areas: For Current Students: Student Services Office, please click here for further details: For Domestic Future Students: Future Students Centre, email: Tel: +61-8-9266 1000 For International Future Students: Curtin International, email: Tel: +61-8-9266 7331

Course Structure Disclaimer

Curtin University reserves the right to alter the internal composition of any course to ensure learning outcomes retain maximum relevance. Any changes to the internal composition of a course will protect the right of students to complete the course within the normal timeframe and will not result in additional cost to students through a requirement to undertake additional units.


The Courses Handbook is the repository of Curtin University ("Curtin") course information. While Curtin makes all reasonable endeavours to keep this handbook up to date, information on this website is subject to change from time to time. Curtin reserves the right to change the: course structure and contents, student assessment, tuition fees and to: withdraw any course or its components which it offers, impose limitations on enrolment in any unit or program, and/or vary arrangements for any course without notification via the website.

For course and enrolment information please visit our Future Students website.