303151 (v.1) WASM Mine Mapping 242


Area:WASM Mine Surveying Teaching Area
Contact Hours:5.0
Lecture:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 4 Hours Weekly
Prerequisite(s):10416 (v.2) Survey Computations 185 or any previous version
10418 (v.2) Plane and Construction Surveying 181 or any previous version
Coordinate systems and reference frames. Coordinate transformations. Australians survey control networks. Mathematical treatment of map projections including analysis of distortions for equi-area, equi-distance and conformal projections. Conformal mapping of the ellipsod onto a plane - Mercator projections (TM,UTM,LTM and AMG). Mine plans, longitudinal and traverse sections. Lettering and conventional signs. Plotting from field notes. Record sheets. Pay measurement. Calculation of excavation andstockpile, volumes and tonnages, drill hole interpretation. Computerised map plotting. Review and hand-on excercises with Microstation CAD software.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Kalgoorlie CampusSemester 2YY 


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