302025 v.2 Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Healing Arts


This course is designed to build on the knowledge, skills and abilities of health workers of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. It focuses on the use of art activites as a healing process. Art is used as a means of communication in helping relationships as a source of healing. Students are taught and supervised by qualified and experienced art therapists in Indigenous settings.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites
A degree level qualification or equivalent.

Recognition of Prior Learning
Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.

Duration and Availability
This fee paying course is of one semester full-time or equivalent part-time.

Course Organisation
Two units are conducted in the Centre for Aboriginal Studies. The remaining unit is conducted in various Indigenous health care settings. Part-time students are required to complete the first two units before commencing the practicum and reflective practice unit.

Additional Course Expenses
Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1    
302026 v.2   Forms of Healing Arts 511 3.0 25.0
302027 v.2   Healing Art Processes 512 3.0 25.0
302029 v.2   Practicum and Reflection 521 6.0 50.0

2003Bentley CampusSemester 1YY

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations that students are eligible to be offe red and admitted to this course for the first time only.


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