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129911 v.2 Graduate Certificate in Built Environment Conservation



This vocational course provides the necessary theoretical and practical background to work in the heritage industry. Study involves the research and action requirements of the heritage industry as specified by Federal and State heritage agencies with practical exercises to develop multidisciplinary skills and the capacity to work in multidisciplinary teams of professionals. Participants also become familiar with agencies commissioning heritage work and study the requirements these agencies demand of professionals working under relevant legislative framework.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

An approved bachelors degree in an area such as archaeology, architecture, cultural heritage studies or an equivalent.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.

Duration and Availability

This fee paying course is of one semester full-time duration, or equivalent part-time. It should be noted that not all units may be offered in the same semester.

Professional Recognition

Built environment conservation is a growing and demanding discipline requiring the development of specific skills to meet legislative and bureaucratic requirements. Throughout the world, governments and communities are striving to conserve elements of the past, to recognise and articulate uniqueness. The conservation of these unique built environments creates demand for suitably qualified professionals. Competent professionals in the region undertake work in Australia and neighbouring countries and are promoted internationally as part of an Australian Government cultural service industry export initiative.

Career Opportunities

Graduates are expected to find employment with or work as consultants to Federal, State and local government agencies and authorities, architecture, planning and cultural heritage private practices, and community organisations.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be required to participate in site visits and/or field trips on weekdays or weekends. Students are required to pay for their own food and accommodation while on field trips or camps.

Special Note

Students may be required to participate in site visits and field trips on weekdays or weekends.

Course Structure



Year 1 Semester 1

13399 v.2   Heritage Studies (Built Environment Management) 500 3.0 25.0
13400 v.2   Conservation Architecture 500 4.0 25.0
13401 v.2   Conservation Planning 500 4.0 25.0
13402 v.2   Building Materials Conservation 500 4.0 25.0


2003Bentley CampusSemester 2Y 

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

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